The Many Uses of Storage Containers

When most people think of putting things in storage, storage facilities immediately spring to mind. For years, leasing a storage locker was the only trusted method to safely keep things. More lately, yet, companies are starting to turn to storage containers (also known in our site as shipping containers) instead. What exactly is it about storage containers that makes them so appealing? As well as being suitable and affordable, they are seriously versatile. They come in handy in many different situations. When extra space is needed, a storage container is a super direction  to go. Learn more about these containers, Raleigh’s Carolina Containers,  and what they’re all about below.

What exactly is a Storage Container?

If you could take a good old fashioned storage unit and magically transport it to your own location, you would basically have a storage container. Cargo containers bring high quality storage facilities to you personally. It’s natural to suppose they are smaller or less useful than routine storage lockers, but that isn’t true. In reality, these containers are available in a fairly broad number  of sizes – 10 foot, 20 foot and 40 foot. They are incredibly lasting and protected too, so they may be appropriate for a broad range of situations. The most convincing advantage of using a storage container is the fact that it is right there – where EVER you need right there to be.  Backyards, office storage behind a location, work and construction sites – the list goes on.

Top Advantages of Shipping Containers

When you consider the many benefits of storage containers, it is easy to see why a great number of businesses, schools and homeowners use them. Certainly, the top advantage is the fact that they are portable. When you rent or lease a container, Carolina Containers will deliver it anywhere you need it – and we can even arrange for delivery and setup anywhere on the East Coast. You don’t have to drive out to a local storage facility whenever you need to place things into or take things out of storage. These containers are also be remarkably affordable, and they can easily be switched about to adapt to individual’s and businesses’ shifting demands. If you have a seasonal business (think the Christmas holiday season) and you need to store large amounts of product for a very short term, this is a PERFECT solution.

Who Uses Them?

The most common place to locate a shipping container is at a company. Business owners absolutely love the affordability and convenience of these portable containers. By taking advantages of these containers, a business can avoid the expense and hassle of having to relocate to a larger facility or pay larger bills and fees for warehouse storage.  Besides, with warehouse storage, that means that someone is going to have to trolley off to get needed items whenever they are needed. With a container, you can send your person out the backdoor to grab items directly from the container. The same thing is true for homeowners. When extra space is desired in a home, a storage container is a suitable and affordable alternative. Many schools and athletic organizations use these containers also. Certainly, though, they are more often going to be used by companies, and we don’t really see that changing.

Top Business Uses

Visualize having the skill to add or enlarge a warehouse without needing to spend a fortune. With a context container, that is exactly what you’ll get. Business owners love the ease and benefit of leasing these containers. When extra inventory must be kept briefly, you just can’t beat the convenience of a portable storage container right there when and where you need it. When the inventory is used, the container can be returned, so there is no demand to keep paying for unneeded storage space. Carolina Containers in Raleigh offers all size shipping containers for lease, rent or purchase.  These containers will also be useful for times when a business is growing but isn’t quite prepared to invest in a larger facility.


While most people have never contemplated getting a shipping container for their needs, most individuals are instantly sold on the idea. The storage containers are able to be as big or as large as necessary, and they can be delivered very quickly. For fast, affordable, flexible storage, nothing comes to close to a high quality storage container. While storage containers aren’t likely to fully eliminate the need for routine storage lockers, they’re sure to become even more popular in the years to come. The next time your storage is full and you need additional storage space, contemplate renting one. Carolina Containers has storage containers for rent and sale that can suit whatever your needs are! We can even provide custom shipping containers that are modified for your specific requirements. Give us a call, today!